Monday, March 31, 2008

What a Difference A Day Makes

Day 2 with Caleb began with a little boy sweetly cooing to himself in Chinese. When he finally opened his eyes he wasn’t too sure what to do with us. However, he warmed up quickly, especially at the breakfast table where we were able to give him Mandarin Oranges which are his favorite. This little guy can eat, and eat and eat. Check out this smile!!!

We then loaded into our bus for some official paperwork. We went back to the CCA for and “interview” which consisted of the following questions. “Can I see your passport? What is your name? What is your occupation? Where do you live? How long have you been married? How many children do you have? What is your annual income? Why do you want to adopt this child? Are you happy with him? What are your plans to educate him? Do you promise not to neglect or abandon him?” The waiting area was packed, as you can see in one of the pics. Lots of Americans, but we also talked to some folks from a huge Canadian group. I am so glad we got there before them. I also learned from Lisa, our guide, that Spain recently surpassed the US in Chinese adoptions. Not that it is a contest, or anything, but comparing populations between Spain and the US, it is interesting.

From there we went to a regional office for some notary work. No notaries in your office or bank like we have in the US. It sure made me appreciate Ginny back at FPC for all of her notary stamps and sigs during this process. Thanks Ginny. Same questions were asked and we were off. Then we went to another office for passport photos, and we were done with everything before lunch. He is now officially ours.

The second highlight of the day was some father-son time with Collin. At lunch I told him we would sneak away from the “girls and baby” for some Dad time. Our mission was to find ice cream and Cheeto’s. We succeeded and had a blast. Several blocks up from the hotel is a walking area with no traffic. It was perfect for letting him run, climb, jump, roll, and all those other things that 5 year old boys do to burn off energy. If only they had a tire swing. After ice cream we stumbled into a grocery store and discovered the mother load of Cheetos – 5 different varieties. We bought one of each, and you would have thought we bought him all the tea in China. It was awesome. Collin was like a little celeb with all the girls waving at him and saying "Hallo." When he responded with "Ni Hao" they just about busted at the seems with glee. He was quite proud of himself - as was his dad.

Thanks for your comments and questions. I'll get to them soon, but children are stirring and breakfast awaits.

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