Friday, March 28, 2008

It's "Almost" Spring in the Harris Family

Our journeys today brought us out of the city of Beijing and into the country where we saw the Great Wall. People have said, pictures don't do it justice, and they are right. The sheer size and beauty of this place are impossible to capture on film.

However, it is not just the Great Wall that makes this place so magnificent. Mer captured that one important point for us in this first shot. At first glance, it looks like nothing to particular and exciting is happening: The Great Wall disappears over a mountain range and is framed by some cold, bare tree branches. Not exactly what you'd expect from a shot of the Great Wall.
But, look again at everything else going on. In the foreground you see a few bright cherry blossoms - the first to emerge from a long winters sleep. Look again at those bare branches. They are not bare at all. These trees are covered with buds that are such a rich and deep burgandy you could easily to mistake them for brown bumps on the bare branches from which they are emerging. The entirety of the surrounding mountainsides are covered with this scene - a few early blossoms hinting at what is to come, while the remainder of them patiently wait for their preparation to be complete. The mountains radiate with this boldly subtle burgandy hue. It sooooo wants to be Spring here. You can just sense it in the air - but it is just not quite time yet.

We are soooo ready for Caleb to be here, but it is just not quite time yet. These last few days especially have been a time when God has been busily at work preparing us and Caleb for the Spring that is just around the corner. And what a great and Spring day it will be.

Seeing places like the Great Wall have not only been great for us get over jet lag and to reconnect with each other. Our touring Beijing has also provided us with great insight into where Caleb is from. We better understand the culture that has shaped his early development and will be able to tell him from first hand experience what China was like at the time he was born.

In the following pictures you can catch a glimpse of some of what we have been up to as we are being prepared for Caleb's coming into our family. Don't you wonder what he is up do at the same time?

Lest anyone think I just scanned a post card to help make my point, I had to post a shot of us actually on the Great Wall. It actually snowed significantly (by Florida standards, anyway). I was actually glad it snowed instead of rained. We would have all been soaked to the bone in rain. The snow made it much more pleasant. Special thanks are due to our good friend JoAnne for the children's most fashionable and warm sweatshirts. Thanks, JoAnne!!

The two following shots we just had to post. Today another adopting family joined us on our tour to the Great Wall. They have a nine year old daughter who was a great friend and playmate for Abbie. She needed some girl time, and boy did she get it today. I'm not sure which set of parents were more thrilled that they got along so well.
In the final shot, you can see how exhausting today was. After dinner, Collin fell asleep in the middle of reading, and this shot was too perfect to pass up.
Tomorrow is our Orientation with the adoption agency. We will spend the morning doing that. Then we head off to Tiananmen Square and the Temple of Heaven. If time permits, we will get to the Forbidden City. Sunday we fly to Nanchang and meet Caleb for the first time - probably late afternoon or early evening. So, for all of you at First Pres, we will have just received Caleb as you are beginning your Sunday worship service; a great reason to worship and give thanks to God for all he has done, is doing, and will do.

Thank you again for your comments and emails. It is great to hear the encouragement and support from so many friends and family.

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AmyO said...

Looks like you had a great time in Beijing. Enjoy the rest of your trip :)

Unknown said...

Hi! I ditto what Robyn wrote - goosebumps from reading the blogs and your wonderful adventure. I love your description of your experiences - thank you - very moving and insightful! I got choked up thinking about the timing for service on Sunday as you are meeting your son for the first time! Wow. Love the shot too of ya at the Great Wall - thanks for posting that too - that is sooo cool! Here are some questions that come to mind: how do you find your ability to shop and interact so far - meaning - have you felt limited in speaking with folks as a result of the language barrier? (I bet speaking Spanish can be a real door opener - huh?) How have you found the Chinese to be in interacting with them, i.e.,-friendly, etc.
Safe travels.


Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, and more wow! I feel like I'm a little fly that's sitting on your shoulder as you are on this amazing journey. (don't swat at me...I don't bite! :-) I'll be crossing my fingers that you have pics of your first meeting with sweet little Caleb. It'll be priceless to see the initial expressions from Abbie and Collin. It's the final countdown folks....WOW!!!

Love ya....Robyn