Monday, March 24, 2008

Greetings from Orlando

Somehow, our luggage multiplied like many many rabbits last night. Never the less, we made it to Orlando safe and sound. We are checked in and trying to get the kids down to bed. "Trying" being the operative word here. Can you say WIRED!!!!! Getting them down before midnight will be more of an accomplishment that getting them to China.

Collin has just climbed onto my lap, and wants to tell everyone this, "Dear classmates, this is Collin. I am having a great trip in China. Everything that we have is made in China. In five days we will meet our baby brother, Caleb. I am excited and happy. Bye...."

The pictures above are Abbie's first pics of the trip. I have promised her that she can be in the next posts - only if she doesn't insist on taking the pictures :). We had a great dinner at Chipotle Mexican Grill. Being from SoCal, I have to admit that I am a snob when it comes to Mexican food. And we all concur that this food was out of this world. By the way, did you notice the Panda Express logo over my right ear? Nice segway into our next post; isn't it? Way to go Abigail!!!

On a more educational note, Mer entered that "sureal" stage of our journey on the way home from dinner. It just seems so out of this world that we are finally ready to go. I can totally relate. It is both totally overwhelming and totally comforting at the same time. In a similar vein, I had a great visit with some neighbors of ours who are preparing for teaching stint at an American school in Afghanistan. They echoed that same strain of both total peace and complete confusion: not an "I don't want to do this" confusion, but a "What is this next step going to be like" confusion. What we came to realize is that we spend our lives seeking to make ourselves comfortable and secure. While things like this don't threaten that security, they present us with an unknown. What we don't know is easy for us to fear - that can cause irrational action and hence confusion. It was helpful for us to recognize this confusion and fear because in naming it we were able to get a handle on it. And it was then reminded that "perfect love casts out all fear." So, it may be a sureal moment right now, but it is a great moment to be enjoyed and embraced.
