What a phenomenal day! To combat the jetlag we took an active approach, and we were sure active today. After waking up at 3:00 AM because our bodies had no idea what time or day it was, we began with a great breakfast at the hotel. We were actually ready to start our day at six in the morning and were eating by 6:30. Note to self: the kids no longer have a reason to have a hard time being ready for school by 8:30. Anyhow, most hotels here include breakfast as part of the overnight rate. So, we took full advantage of it. I was reminded what an international place we are in. While there was plenty of traditional Chinese food available for our dining pleasure. There was also a very noticeable effort to meet European and American tastes. We had a rather eclectic breakfast, to say the least.
Whenever, I’m in a foreign country, I like to at least try to eat what the “natives” sustain themselves on. So, I had to try the Wanton Soup Station (very similar in concept to an omelet station). You pick what you want for your soup, the dude boils it up, dumps it on some wantons, you add your sauce and spices, and head for your table. I had no idea what I was doing, but gave it a shot anyway. As I sat there wondering how what was the best way to concoct this mixture, I received a wonderful reminder that when it comes to food the best way is the way you like it. There sat a man with an Eggo style waffle, folded in half, stuffed with cabbage, cramming the whole thing into his mouth with a pair of chopsticks, and smiling from ear to ear. It was a great start to the day.
Another important occurrence at this leg of our journey was our first encounter with the infamous “squatty potty” pictured below. Thank goodness for the “handicapped” stalls that house the more traditional – and frankly, more useful – western style buckets. (The picture is sideways - just in case you are wondering what on earth that is supposed to be.)
We then took off across town to the Beijing Zoo. The zoo itself was pretty depressing. Exploring the zoo with the family was priceless. We got to see Pandas, which is a must in any Chinese zoo. In addition, Collin discovered a hidden talent for rock climbing. Best of all though, we discovered the very helpful sign pictured below. Considering that, yesterday I was bemoaning a complete inability to comprehend any written form of Chinese, I ought to shut my yap and count my blessings that someone took the time both to warn me of the location of "suddenness" and to enlighten me as to how I might tame the unpredictable nature of “suddenness.”

There is much more to write about the
Hey...where'd you get that amazingly lifelike panda outfit?!?!? Now I see where Collin gets his climbing abilities from! :-) So really....what does this "suddeness" translate to??? I'll be pondering that one all day!
Love you guys....Robyn & the gang
Hi everybody!
JoAnn Wheeler told Bette about your
blog last night at the church dinner, and today sent us the address. What a top quality job
you've done on this site. Everything is crystal clear, and it's so wonderful to hear from and about you all.
We're thrilled and excited about this venture, for you four and for Caleb. Can't imagine him adopting a more loving family:-)
Love from Bette, Alberta and Max
I can just feel the excitement right through the computer! Now I can't wait to "meet" the families who are also on this amazing journey. Blessings to you all,
the Balsans
gltrgltnjgbaHi all -its so exciting keeping up with you. We miss you at church but enjoy how busy you are. I do hope all things go smoothly even if you can't figure out the signs. Your blog is doing great and fun to read. Best wishes, love and God's richest blessing for you all as you continue to venture toward Caleb. Lorraine
THANKS for taking the time to send us all your news. It's GREAT It's a BEAUTIFUL, sunny Florida Friday! Here's praying everything keeps going smoothly!
LOVE, Nancy
Hey guys, our prayers are with you as you make your journey toward completing your family. What an exciting time for you. People here are trying to adapt to no one being around for a week. I'm in here trying to make Holy Grounds easy for people to run and do (I thought I gave up control of this service). We're heading to Mexico at 3 am on Sunday morning. Needless to say, there are a few youth trying to get me to turn that into a stay up all night guitar hero-thon. In the words of my dad, "it ain't happening." Blessings to you all.
LOVED reading every word of your blog..fascinating, exciting, scary, and inspirational!!! We love you and send you many prayers and lots of love on your journey to Caleb!!
Hugs, Barb & Phil
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