First, here is Caleb’s internet debut
P’i / I,oooo [[[[[[[[[[[[
I’m not too sure what it means, but he is was pretty stoked to give it a try.
Second, here are the answers to some questions about he little guy.
Favorite Toy: Right now, his favorite toy seems to be Daddy. We are hoping that he soon includes Mom on his Top 10 list. In terms of inanimate objects, he is most enamored with rattles.
Clothes: he is wearing 18-24 month sizes. The clothes he was received in are hard to describe, but I’ll give it a shot: 4 layers. From outside in, it went like this: Heavy puffy jacket on top, then a knit layer top and bottom, sweater layer top and bottom, then diaper (thankfully). While we are still layering him, lets just say we’ve modified the technique a bit.
English words: Mommy and Dada are top of the list. We are trying not to use Mama as he cries when he hears the word as he probably expects his foster mother to round the bend a moment. It’s a tough go here.
Has he eaten any American foods yet? I’m proud to say that he had is first McDonalds fries today. To say he loved them is an understatement. Other than that it is tough to tell what he is eating is purely American. What is the difference between an American or Chinese fried egg, Mandarin Orange, etc. When it comes to noodles, he is all Chinese.
What does he calls us? Right now I don’t notice him calling us anything. While he may be saying something, I can’t distinguish Chinese baby talk from American infant babble. I like to think that when he says “de” he is trying to say Dada, I just don’t know. Let’s say he is, though. What do you think?
Where will he sleep when we get home? Two nights and he has slept in two places. First night he slept between us in the bed. We read that is where he slept with his foster mother. We also read that he liked a 12:30 AM snack. Since he didn’t wake for the snack the first night, we realized that there is some room for interpretation in his “instructions.” So, the second night he was in the crib right next to the bed. Sooooo much better – at least it was for us. He didn’t seem to mind at all. We are hoping to continue this trend.
Weight and height. He certainly seems to weigh the 26 pounds, and while he may not be three feet tall, he doesn’t seem too short, either. His docs say he is 76 cm tall, and I think that is about 31 inches tall.
For the remainder of our stay in Nanchang we will try to accomplish some more bonding - esp with Caleb and Mer. It just takes time, food, and a whole lot of love - none of which she has ever been short on. Tomorrow we go to a local village, the worlds largest Ferris Wheel, and I'm certain some sort of eating will be involved. A few more days of paperwork, and then we fly to Guangzhou for more paperwork and bonding.
Well, Mer has gone with one of the other adoptive mothers for a brief “retreat.” Since I now have kid duty with three, I’m off to try to reclaim my status as SuperDad.
Talk to you all later.
Dear Abbie,
Congratulations! I hope Caleb likes it here in Florida. Just to let you know, there is a brown rabbit living in your front yard. Can't wait to meet him!
love, Emily (your neighbor)
Hi Everyone,
I just can't imagine the joy all of you are feeling right now. I am sure that Caleb will see how wonderful, kind, loving, Mer is with Collin and Abby, and he will see that he wants to be part of that also. I just think at his age he is learning by watching, and he will see that it is okay to let himself love all of you. I just love the pictures and Tom your writing is just so wonderful. I can't wait to get to work and be able to look to see if there is a new post. Take care and know how much you are loved and missed.
Hi! Keep the pictures and stories coming! They are AWESOME! Nancy
Hi Tom, Mer, Abbie, Collin & Caleb!
Glad to hear your adventures are going smoothly and your union with
Caleb has finally occured!
We are enjoying reading about your
trip and seeing all the photos.
Tell Abbie to remember, girls RULE, boys DROOL - probably literally at this point.
May God continue to give you safe travel. Steph, Tim, Savannah & Jonathan
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