Well, my friends, what you’ve all been waiting for… actually, we’ve been waiting a good bit, as well. After a hurried morning to finish packing, eat breakfast, in order to catch our flight to

After arriving in
In reading blogs of those who have been on this journey before, I can’t even begin to count the number of people who wrote of their particular bonding (or lack there of) experience. All of them expressed concern and bewilderment as to how they could not be welcomed with open arms by their new little bundle of joy. I never imagined being “the one.” If you are reading this now as a potential adopter, realize that your new child just might not think you are the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread. When it does happen to you, realize that it is not really about you at that moment, and that your time will come. It was helpful to remember that this takes time, and the poor little guy is scared beyond belief. Wouldn’t you be?
I tried explaining it to Collin like this. Collin’s only concern in coming to
Upon returning to the hotel, we had a bit of what you might call a breakthrough. I gave Caleb a cracker/cookie thing. Apparently he likes them, and he likes to share them. Upon putting one in his hand, he immediately stuck his arm out and tried to stick the thing in my mouth. When in
Considering my work done with child #3, I turned my attention to child #2 (Collin) and headed out to find some sustenance for my family. Baby crackers and borrowed snacks simply wouldn’t cut it for tonight. After perusing the hotel’s options, I returned with nothing more than word that room service was on the way with food for all. Fortunately, they delivered on their promise and we all ate well.
That’s all I know for now, and will post more as our adventure continues to unfold. Tomorrow, we are back to the CCA for more paperwork, and adventures in the life of Caleb. I have no idea what the day holds, but I know Who holds it and because of that it will be a great day.
WOW... What a joy. What a day. What memories!!!! Congrats - I know this is simply awesome. Thank you for sharing the pictures and the stories - we are so happy for the Harris family. I was in Holy Grounds with my phone in one hand & coffee in the other checking for updates. I felt like the ESPN commercials where they show a person watching a sporting event or getting updates on scores in places that they probably should not have been doing so. But it was worth it! Miss you guys....
Blessings to all of you! The journey begins.... I can't wait to talk to you when you get home and get caught up on your sleep!
the Balsans
very well said and great perspective. My son (13) asked me in China if I was upset that sometimes Zoe didn't like me or that others nannys etc wanted to hold her. I explained to him that I knew that no matter what she was going home with me and I would have her for the rest of my life. It was easy to give the nannys their last chance to love on my girl. enjoy the rest of your China experience peace and happiness
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